Sunday, August 29, 2010

You did what?

Yes we took a lonnng road trip this summer. We put over 5000 miles on our car in just over a month. While it was long we had a great time. Here is a little snippet on the road. This was actually one of the better snippets.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Deep in the heart of Oregon

We escaped the heat and drove to Oregon. We stopped in Utah and had a fun time visiting family. We then headed up to Oregon. Todd dropped us off and flew home, we are having a fun time camping and seeing the Oregon coast. We are leaving for Texas on Friday, as sad as I'm am to leave I'm looking forward to my own bed!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kroger's Mega Sale!!

I usually don't take pictures from my shopping, coupon extravaganza but this was a great one. Four hundred dollars worth of food and I only spent $138. Plus I got $5.50 to use on my next shopping trip. The cash register wouldn't let the transaction go through because I saved so much money a manager had to come and override it. Did I say how much a love kroger's mega sales?

Another year another day at Chuck-e-Cheese

Happy Birthday Maddie!!! Yes she did it, she turned 6! And she told, "now that I'm is six I will no longer throw fits". I'll let you know how that goes. Maddie wanted to open her presents right when she woke up. She got a computer game, camera, shirts, and pjs. Later that night she had a few friends go to Chuck's with us. She said, "I've never had a birthday like this before". So I think she has a great day.

I looked in mirrow while I was driving and I saw three girls giggling. I don't know how Wesley survived.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Third times a Charm

This is the third year in a row we have planted a garden. This has been a good year for some things while other have failed. But we got a ton of peppers (which we love). Our squash and cucumbers did better last year but it has rained so much the water doesn't have anywhere to go. Not to mention the hose was left on for 24 hours (don't ask it might make me angry at Wesley and Todd again). But here are some before and after shots. We did patio tomatoes this year.

Right after planting

Our experiment, Todd made a Topsy-Turvy.

I feel a little guilty

I admit I do feel a little guilty with this one. I was teasing her but I couldn't resist.

Happy Birthday Emma!!!

My baby is one year old (okay a month ago). She has been so much fun. I love hearing her laugh and play. She has a big grin with one dimple. Emma loves giving her mom sloppy kisses. She loves taking bags apart one item at a time but she will also put everything back in (one at a time). Happy Birthday Emma we love you!!!!

Emma enjoying her birthday cake. She wouldn't touch it unless we all looked away, she would scream at us if we looked at her. So we only got the after shot.

The girls in the matching dresses.

Did I mention she's a multi-tasker.

It's the one dimple grin!

First Day of School compared to Last day of School

Can you believe the school year has come and gone? Both Wesley and Maddie had a great year. Wesley has become a great reader. He has read all the Wimpy Kid books. Maddie can add numbers like nobodies business. I'm so proud of both of them. The kids loved going to school but they are excited for summer.

First Day of School

Last day of School

First Day of School

Last Day of School

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I love Kindergarten Drama

Maddie came home from school upset. I asked her, "Whats wrong?" She said she got in a fight with all her friends at school. I asked her who she played with and she said, "Elisabeth, she's my backup". We had a nice talk about being nice to everyone.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Some Disney World Pics

I finally got my memory stick back. I posted a lot of pictures, we had so much fun I can't wait to go again.

Pocahontas asked Maddie to sing her a song. Maddie started singing so I leaned in to listen. I was a song she made up about Jesus. Like in the Book of Mormon Maddie was teaching the Lamanites.

I love the up characters. This was one of the longest lines we waited in but I love the movie UP!

She is so cute (I'm not talking about Emma)

It was a hard long day!

We're excited but Maddie is unsure. I think this is in Pirates.

The Crystal Palace was great! One of the best restaurants we ate in.

I was unsure if I wanted to put this picture in being that it's a horrible one of me, but looking at Wesley I couldn't resist. This is the rock n roller coaster, you go from 0 to 60 in about 10 seconds. Needless to say Wesley didn't go on this again.

This was at our hotel.

The end of the first day about 12:00 am. We were excited to run into Mickey and Minnie. Maddie got her purse that day and wouldn't put it down.

Chillin at Epcot

Someone is peeking out the window

This was at our hotel. This was the red shirt day.

Look for the bear necessities

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just got home (and yes I'm exhausted)

We just flew in and boy are my arms tired. Just kidding we drove and we had so much fun!! I'm still recovering but I want to do it again. I can't find the SD card from Disney world so I will post the beach first. On our way home we stayed in Destin FL. The beach was beautiful. It's the first time I ever saw a beach with white sand and blue water. The water was so warm we dove right in. Maddie and Wesley loved the beach they played in and out of the water all day.

This is what you look like after you spend a week in Disney World.

Amazingly they got along the whole day.

Yes after ten years we still like each other.

Emma hated every minute of the beach, she hated getting dirty. This is a rare picture were a tag caught her attention.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Santa in the off-season

Have you ever wondered what all those shopping mall Santas do in the off-season? Like, say, around Tax Time?
-Todd @

The Bod Hacks the System!

From an undisclosed location 150 miles offshore floating on a rusty metal cork in 3000 feet of water I had to hack Anna's blog to post this video of Wes at the Easter Egg Hunt. It's not the best video (it came from my phone) and it's unedited, but this is never before seen footage... So here it is...Bigger...Badder...and UNCUT!

P.S. Watch for ducklings!

-Todd @

The Wilcoxs are going to Disney World!!!

I have been preparing for our big trip. I bought us all red shirts and I'm putting Mickey Mouse on them. I used freezer paper stencil.

First I found clip art on the computer I liked and traced it on freezer paper.

Then I ironed it on my t-shirt. I painted it black with fabric paint. All the mickey heads have numbers on them, Todd has number one, I have 2 and down the line it goes. (Papa has P and Grandma has G)

When it dries you peel off the paper.

And the next day you iron to "Set It". We are going to look so rad in Disney World.