Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Homemade Laundry Soap

I have been making my own laundry soap on and off for the last two years (when I'm feeling lazy I buy Tide). It's so easy I thought I would share my recipe. First you only need three ingredients 1. Borax 2. Washing Soda (not baking soda) 3. ZOTE or Fels Naptha soap bar. I get Borax and Washing Soda at Krogers and they are less than three dollars each. Zote I have to go to Super Marcado (Target used to carry it).

I thought the flowers were a cute effect (they happened to be on the table)
I take the ZOTE soap and I grate it in the food processor

After this I put it in a cake pan and let it dry over night (in the garage because your house will smell of soap).

When it's dry I put it back into the food processor (this time use the chop blade)
1 cup borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1 dry, grated bar of ZOTE
Mix all together and it should look like this:

I store it in a Ziploc bag and only use a few spoonfuls for each load. This lasts us anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks (depends on how many times Maddie changes her clothes in a day). Todd and I figure it cost around $ 1.50 for each batch. Try it see if you like it.


Kimberly Ann said...

i hope i get my free sample of Wilcox Laundry detergent in the mail, : )

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